Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

Home Grape Growing

Home Grape Growing

Image source: http://www.motherearthnews.com/~/media/Images/MEN/Editorial/Articles/Magazine%20Articles/2003/04-01/Growing%20Grapes%20and%20Making%20Homemade%20Wine/growing-grapes-and-making-homemade-wine.jpg?h=367&la=en&w=550&hash=FEF64E1313A2EEDF9B2A397CE2971705B05A404F

Do you look longingly at vineyards in your area wishing you could have your very own? Dream no longer, because you can easily grow your very own grapes at home. These may not be nearly as large as some of the vineyards you have seen you can still reap a substantial harvest. There are two main things required for successful grape growing and that is a good airy location and plenty of sun. Of course, you will need to learn a few basics of growing grapes, but they are simple.

Your grapes will need some type of structure to grow on; therefore, you must consider the location carefully. You can train them to go where you want once you have the supports they need to climb and flourish. As grape vines need a great deal of sunlight, the location you select is very important. If there is no way to plant them in direct sunlight, you can guide them along a structure. Grapes will seek out the sunlight naturally but may need a bit of direction from you.

Over time your vines will become very heavy, which means the structure you use must be strong and tough. It is best to build your structures before planting your vines. It will be much simpler to guide your grapes home style this way. Another thing to consider carefully is the condition of the ground. It must be kept moist at all times for optimum growing. Remember also to give your grape vine roots plenty of room to stretch out and grow, this means a fairly large hole when planting.

Talking about watering and soil conditions it is a good idea to soak your vine roots for a few hours before planting. This way they go into the ground well watered and moist. Planting should take place in the spring to give them plenty of time to take root and grow well. One thing many people do not know is that grapevines will not produce the first year; this time is spent growing, maturing and becoming established. It is important to prune your vines during this growing process to stimulate new growth and provide the best harvests the following year.

You may not have the ground required to grow enough grapes to fill a wine cellar, however you can still enjoy the process. They make a welcome addition to your garden. All it takes is a little care in the early stages to grow healthy grapes. Your friends and neighbors will be amazed with your tiny vineyard and who knows you may even garner a bottle of wine out of the process! Of course, this is the next stage in the process and you want to learn all the ins and outs of growing the grapes first. You may well be surprised at how easy you can grow grapes.

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Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqwA8HtydIQEvuCExmJfIhQ3zKt6wyw78GFGPL0xLSZNZMTozhyphenhyphen3fONiE...