People have reported OOBEs in various situations, often in states near sleep: when falling asleep, or in the morning when waking up. People who meditate also some times experience this when the body is sleeping but the mind is awake, and some meditators can do this at will. There are many reports of people who have had a near death experience were the body was actually dead for some minutes or sometimes hours, but they experienced leaving the body, looking down on it and sometimes moving on in to some type of a tunnel towards a bright light, but then returning back to the body.
Some skeptics claim the mind is simply playing a trick on us, but how does that explain a person who is pronounced clinically dead by doctors, suddenly waking up. Not only that, but often the person can describe things that happened in the room while he/she was dead that would have been impossible to know without being present in the room.
Technique to induce OOBEs
The trick is to be awake while the body is asleep. When you go to bed to sleep you can try focusing on something really hard. It can be a part of your body, a mind game, counting numbers silently in your mind etc. If you count numbers, dont just count from 1. Have a pattern like counting to 9 and then backwards to 1 again before starting over. This will take a bit more effort and force your brain to be awake to handle the task.
This takes practice of course, but a sign that you are on the right track is when you can no longer feel parts of your body. Usually it starts with the legs and then moves up until there is no sensation of the body at all. If you are relaxed enough you can gently sit up in your bed. If successful your body will remain lying down while you sit up. You may feel electric and hear a buzzing sound. That is a sign that you are not 100% relaxed in the body. You may still be able to move out of your body but it might feel uncomfortable. You can also try rolling out of your body. Just like you do when you are on your back and roll over to the side.
The key is to be really alert mentally while staying very calm and not moving at all. It can be hard to stay calm when you feel close to leaving your body. Its easy to get too excited :Im almost out!!. But dont get frustrated if you do not succeed at first. In fact, expect that you will probably NOT succeed in the beginning, this way you wont get to disappointed or give up to quickly. There are many more techniques but this is one of the easiest ones that anyone can do.